Sunday, June 13, 2010

Just Because: Comments

I don't want to be one of those people begging for comments. I have said this before. And I go again.

FH currently is getting more hits than ever. That thrills me, thank you all! (At posting time today, FH just hit 5 million hits!) Photographers, models and actors are sending material and participating in posts often showcasing some original material. Yet... when I open the blog to post comments there are usually about 10 to 15. About 14 of them are computer generated bot posts usually trying to get you to buy some pharmaceutical product. If you like the blog please take the 4 seconds to give a shout out to the people whose work is showcased. You can do it quickly, anonymously and easily. It is important, especially for people trying to make it in the business to get feedback.

Rant over!


littlestevie said...

Thanks for the interesting and provocative site.

Rainbow said...

Your site is one of my favorites. I enjoy reading your opinions about pop entertainment and gorgeous men. I especially like how you pay tribute to past and present hunks on their birthday. The pictures are great too. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I also LOVE your site. I just recently found it and have been going through the past posts. I think you have some FABULOUS posts and a lot of your pictures are not ones you see in everyother blog, which is a nice change.

Anonymous said...

I usually catch up on your blog daily on my iPhone so it's kind of tough commenting as often as I'd like to. I'll try to comment more often because I love your blog and I often have an opinion on every entry. I appreciate you making us aware that our comments are noticed. Keep up the good work.
- Chris

wtpotus said...

a wonderful job of sharing your favorite . . . things -

5 million hits tell the story -

thanks -